Dear Target,
Thank you for having all the clean eating items I need in a section faaaar away from the baby girl clothes so I can (attempt to) get in and get out without spending a million dollars. Thank you for introducing me to snacks like freeze dried strawberries, and thank you for having miso paste in stock so I can make my favorite light and clean soup. Off topic: thanks for having ELF products cuz I really needed a new black eyeliner for cheap.
Lazy, Cheap Dani
Dear Shakeology,
Thank you for getting me regular. I really do enjoy pooping. Also, thank you for keeping my headaches and migraines at bay. Only once since March 5th! That’s a new record. Thank you for helping John lose 10 lbs in a month without changing his diet or exercising. Although his bragging and muscle flexing is insufferable, I’m glad he’s happy.
A happy pooping lady
Dear Doctor,
Thank you in advance for clearing me to work out on Tuesday. I’m sick of being sedentary, and even though my incision is still painful and oddly numb in some areas, I am itching to run and start my T25 program. Also, thank you in advance for giving me something that ensures I will never, ever, ever get pregnant again.
Two & Through
Dear Pinterest,
Thank you for existing, first of all. And thank you for having all the fitspo, clean eating, motivational quotes, and healthy living info, and images a girl could ask for! You’re helping revive a long lost part of me, and I appreciate it.
Dear Beachbody,
Thank you for being the sweetest company I’ve worked with ever. Thank you for the money and all, but also thank you for making me and the other coaches feel special with your recognition and gifts! I can’t wait to use the gloves and mat, and I was geeked to get my certificate and pin. Do me a favor. Send me a free box of shakeology next time. 🙂
Dear Rohan and Kaya,
Thank you for keeping me active and on my toes. Thanks for helping curb my eating by screaming or crying right when I’m about to put something in my mouth. I appreciate you encouraging my desire to exercise by needing to be picked up every few seconds so I have to squat and lift and squat and lift.
Love you to bits,
AprilD says
LMBO!!! Your posts are great 🙂
Dani Faust says