At the hospital this Monday:
A very pregnant lady came into the triage area.
Nurse: What brings you here?
Lady: My water broke.
Nurse: When?
Lady: Saturday.
Nurse: Horrified stare.
The lady went on to tell the nurse how she had a baby shower to attend and other stuff to do. WTF!
I really hope her baby’s ok.
Life As Wife says
Woah scary!
I’m a supporter of taking your time to get to the hospital but 24 hours post water breaking infection could be an issue. Hope she’s ok!!
Moon says
Auch, that’s just strange :s Maybe she didn’t realize or something… Hope she’s ok.
Desiree says
I haven’t been over here to see you in forever and I come over and find out you’re pregs!! Congratulations!
You’re in my reader but I’m forever forgetting to check it – my baby’s almost one and nearly walking so I don’t have time for anything these days.
You’ll see!! 🙂
Tiffany says
That’s insane!
Mrs. Pancakes says
That sounds crazy to me!
KalleyC says
Wow, crazy and scary. Hope they are both okay.