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Welcome back!! Have you signed up for the FREE 5-Day Manifesting Breakthrough Challenge?! .
We’re eloping!!!
T minus 20 days.
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Brandi says
Why am I not surprised? Hopefully you invite your moms (even if you just tell them the day before) as they most likely have been waiting all their lives to see that moment. That said, do what makes you both happy…and please share a few pics with us once you do.
LovelyBee says
Yeah I kinda had a feeling about that one! You seem like the carefree elope kinda girl 🙂 Well as long as you're happy this way babe; I say go for it!! Just snap awesome pictures and show us please 🙂
Jc says
solidice242 says
Cool congrats it seems a little more spontaneous, fun and hassle free. Gongrats!
Lynn says
Wow! Congratulations 🙂 Very spontaneous!
Brittany says
Jessica says
I am so going to crash your eloping …yep…hehehe
Congrats chica ^_^
Dani @ OK, Dani says
🙂 Thanks girls.
Brandi – any great restaurant recommendations w/ a strip view for after? You're not surprised eh? lol
Bee – Lol you had a feelin?! I was hoping John would agree to this but never thought in a million years he would.
Thank you all for the kind words, and don't worry, there will be pics a plenty when I return.
Skeeta says
U shocked me! At least try and invite one person close to you all (like moms!) and congrats! I agree, weddings, even small weddings r so much hassle. I was so stressed.
The Green Eyed Lady Blog says
Congrats…if it makes you and John happy go for it!!! Please snap some pics to post on your blog!!! Pretty PLEASE!!!!
Holley says
after starting the wedding planning process, i so wanted to elope 🙂
awesome- cant wait to hear about it!
Brandi says
The Stratosphere has a restaurant at the very top with an awesome view! I believe The Bellagio and The Venetian have one as well but the Stratosphere is the only one that I know of for sure. So check out all 3 and have tons of fun!