Roey, do you want to read: NO!
Do you want to eat a snack: NO!
Do you want the ipad? NO!
How bout some chocolate milk? NOOO!!!
::drops to floor and begins rolling::
Do you want to go back outside? NO!!!
How about some arts and crafts box?
::Up like a bullet from the floor::
“YESS!!! Arts And Craps Box! Arts and Craps Box!”
Out comes the handy KoalaCrate Box…
KoalaCrate is the 3-4 year old age version of KiwiCrate (pictured above for ages 4-8), a monthly subscription box for kids. There’s another box for older kids too. Each box comes with instructions for “the adult assistant” as well as a mini magazine based on the monthly theme, and all the tools needed to complete a few really great theme-based activities. (Themes we’ve done are: Transportation, Music, Garden, Colors, Bugs.)
This is my favorite activity set for Ro by far and here’s why:
- Rohan LOVES it
Really, that could be the end of my list, because if something makes your kid this happy, you kinda automatically love it, dont you? The “Arts and Craps Box” is Roey’s favorite. I bought it for a rainy day distraction, and it really is something that lasts all month long.
- It’s Educational Fun
I’m all about kids learning through play. Roey learned all his numbers, colors, letters, animals, etc.. through playing and reading. The Koala Crate teaches him so much just through stories, songs/poems, games, and art. (If he reminds me that yellow and blue makes green one more time…I may lose it)
- It’s Everlasting.
The quality of the projects we make are really high. They last, and because of how it’s made, I can re-use and re-purpose some of the parts in age-appropriate ways to use with Kaya. We try to put the booklet and pieces back in each box, but that doesn’t always happen. Every now and then I’ll see Ro “reading” one of the old booklets on his own.
Bonus Reasons why I love it:
- It’s a behavior modification tool on the low
- It’s gender neutral
- It’s science and art skewed
- It’s an easy, no brainer for me, with everything included #noguesswork #easybutton
- It’s well made, no random cheap, sharp plastic bits
- It helps me to be more creative with the games I play w/ the kids
I was not sure about what subscription box to get for Roey, but we are Highlights fans and I just knew this would be a good fit for him. As he gets older we’ll transition to KiwiCrate and then to Tinker. He’ll grow with the brand and Kaya will follow right behind him.
Do your kids have any subscription boxes?
Have you tried Kiwi Crate?
(This is NOT a sponsored post, I just am a fan….and if you buy through my links I may get some pennies.)
Tanay says
Just the facts that he calls it the “arts and craps” box alone makes me love it! lol.
RJ is still so young but I hope to do things like this with him when he gets older. Pretty cool =)